
孟英杰1 , 王维俊1 , 李 猛1 , 胡天龙1 , 龙大愚2
( 1. 北京市政路桥股份有限公司 ,北京 100068 ; 2. 北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院 ,北京 100083)
摘 要: 为了研究河流水位对深浅式地铁基坑工程的影响 ,运用 RS3 有限元软件中流固耦合计算模型 ,探 究了河流水位变化对深浅式基坑变形和受力的影响规律 。结果表明: 地连墙的水平位移和弯矩 、坑底隆起位移 和格构柱的竖向位移均随河流水位的增加而增加; 坑边地表沉降位移和基坑的稳定安全系数随着河流水位的增 加而减小 。河流水位变化对格构柱的竖向位移影响较小; 而河流水位标高为 21 ~ 22 m 范围时 ,对地连墙的水平 位移和弯矩 、坑边地表沉降位移 、坑底隆起位移和基坑的稳定安全系数有较大的影响; 随河流水位的增加 ,坑 边地表沉降位移和坑底隆起位移的影响范围均会向下部和临河侧的土体扩大 ,临河侧基坑浅部和围护桩底的塑 性破坏区域也会增大。
关键词: 临河条件; 深浅式地铁基坑; 河流水位; 有限元分析; 流固耦合
中图分类号: TU463
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1005-8249 (2024) 01-0093-08
DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2024.01.01
MENG Yingjie1 , WANG Weijun1 , LI Meng1 , HU Tianlong1 , LONG Dayu2
( 1. Beijing Municipal Road Bridge Holding Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing 100068 , China;
2. School of Civil and Resource Engineering , University of Science and Technology Beijing , Beijing 100083 , China)
Abstract:The paper aims to study the influence of river water level on deep and shallow subway foundation pit engineering. The fluid-solid coupling calculation model in RS3 finite element software was used to study the influence of river water level change on the deformation and stress of deep and shallow subway foundation pit. The results show that the horizontal displacement and bending moment of the diaphragm wall, uplift displacement of pit bottom and vertical displacement of the lattice column all increase with the increase of river water level. The ground surface settlement displacement and the stability safety factor of foundation pit decrease with the increase of river water level. The variation of river water level has little effect on vertical displacement of lattice columns. When the elevation of river water level is in the range of 21~22 m, it has great influence on the horizontal displacement and bending moment of the diaphragm wall, ground surface settlement displacement, the uplift displacement of pit bottom and the stability safety factor of foundation pit. With the increase of river water level, the influence range of ground surface settlement displacement and uplift displacement of pit bottom expand to the soil at the bottom of the pit and the river side, and the plastic failure area at the shallow part of the foundation pit and the bottom of the retaining pile will also increase.
Keywords:riverside conditions; deep and shallow subway foundation pit; stage of river; finite element analysis; fluid-solid coupling
∗基金项目: 北京市自然科学基金面上项目 (8202033) 。
作者简介: 孟英杰 (1989—) , 男 ,本科 ,工程师 ,主要研究方向: 城市地下工程与空间施工技术研究。
通信作者: 龙大愚 (1994—) , 男 ,硕士 ,主要研究方向: 岩土工程研究。
收稿日期: 2023-09-05