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基于 GIS 和无人机航摄测量技术的城市数字地形测量方法
Urban Digital Topographic Survey Method based on GIS and UAV Aerial Photogrammetry

朱英浩1   ,  孟金龙2  ,  杨平科2

( 1 .  正元地理信息集团股份有限公司 ,北京 101399 ;

2.  山东正元地球物理信息技术有限公司,山东 济南 250101)

摘   要: 目前提出的城市地形测量无法对数据进行量化处理,导致测量效果较差 。为了解决上述问题 ,基于 GIS 和无人机航摄测量技术研究了一种新的城市数字地形测量方法 。通过明确坐标,计算航线的均方差来对无人机航线进行选择,根据城市地形高度曲线图提取城市地形数据,确定线性数 、面性数 、球性数和垂直度数等几何特征 。利用地形数值计算参数模拟分析地形数值 。通过摄像机姿态参数分析,建立 3D模型,实现场景融合 ,计算无人机设备采集数值,建立管理平台,实现数值测量 。实验结果表明,基于 GIS 和无人机航摄测量技术的城市数字地形测量方法能够通过量化处理对数字地形进行精准测量,无人机轨迹的绝对误差在 0. 25%以内, 轨迹精度低于5 cm ,  坐标精度低于 3 cm。

关键词 :GIS ;  无人机航摄 ;测量技术 ;城市数字 ;数字地形 ;地形测量 ;测量方法

中图分类号 :P208           

文献标志码 :A            

文章编号 :1005- 8249  (2023)   06- 0134- 07

DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 06. 022

ZHU Yinghao 1  ,  MENG Jinlong2 ,  YANG Pingke2

(1 . Zhengyuan Geomatics  Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing 101399 ,   China;

2. Shandong Zhengyuan Geophysical Information Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Jinan 250101 ,   China)

Absrtact: At present, the urban topographic survey can not quantify the data, resulting in poor measurement results. In order to solve the above problems, a new urban digital topographic survey method is studied based on GIS and UAV aerial photogrammetry technology. The UAV route is selected by specifying the coordinates and calculating the mean square deviation of the route. The urban terrain data is extracted according to the urban terrain height curve, and the geometric characteristics such as linear number, areal number, spherical number and vertical degree are determined. Terrain numerical calculation parameters are used to simulate and analyze terrain numerical values. Through the analysis of camera attitude parameters, a 3D model is established to achieve scene fusion, calculate UAV equipment acquisition values, establish a management platform, and achieve numerical measurement. The experimental results show that the urban digital terrain measurement method based on GIS and UAV aerial photogrammetry technology can accurately measure the digital terrain through quantitative processing. The absolute error of UAV collection is within 0.25%, the track accuracy is less than 5cm, and the coordinate accuracy is less than 3cm.

Keywords: GIS; UAV aerial photography; measurement technology; city figures; digital terrain; topographic survey; measuring method

作者简介 :朱英浩  (1977—) ,  男 ,本科 ,工程师 ,研究方向 :工程测量。

通信作者 :孟金龙  (1981 —) ,  男 ,汉族 ,本科 ,高级工程师 ,主要研究方向 :测绘地理信息技术与应用。

收稿日期 :2023- 10- 09