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Experimental study on physical and mechanical properties of improved dispersive soil

魏衍杰1   ,  魏    平2

( 1 .  巨野县水务事业发展中心 , 山东 巨野 274900; 2. 水发规划设计有限公司 , 山东 济南 250100)

摘   要 :分散性土广泛分布于我国东北 、西北地区,其具有抗水蚀能力弱 、抗剪强度低 、抗渗性能差等特点 。为了解决分散性土工程性能差的问题,本次研究提出采用木质素磺酸钙改良分散性土并测定其物理力学性质,探究了不同木钙掺量以及养护龄期下改性土力学性能变化 。主要结论如下: ( 1) 随着木钙掺入量的增加, 土体的液限 、塑限以及最优含水率均出现下降,土样的破坏模式逐渐过渡至塑性破坏 ;土体抗压强度先增大后减小 ,压缩系数先减小后增大 。 (2)  随着土样养护龄期的延长,改性土的无侧限抗压强度也逐渐增大,压缩系  数不断减小 。 (3)  随着木钙掺量的增加,土样颗粒表面胶结物质逐渐增多,改性土颗粒镶嵌接触,接触面积逐渐增大,同时胶结物包裹颗粒形成大的团聚体,土体结构稳定性较好。

关键词 :分散性土 ;木质素磺酸钙 ;物理力学性质 ;养护龄期 ;塑性破坏

中图分类号 :TU41           

文献标志码 :A            

文章编号 :1005- 8249  (2023)   06- 0048- 07

DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 06. 008

WEI Yanjie ,  WEI Ping

( 1 . Water Development  Center of Juye ,  Juye 274900 ,   China;   2. Shuifa Planning & Design Co. ,Ltd. ,Jinan 250100 ,  China)

Abstract : Dispersive soil is widely distributed in the northeast and northwest regions of China. It has the characteristics of weak water erosion resistance, low shear strength and poor impermeability. In order to solve the problem of poor engineering performance of dispersive soil, this study proposes to use calcium lignosulfonate to improve dispersive soil and determine its physical and mechanical properties, and explores the changes of mechanical properties of modified soil under different calcium lignosulfonate content and curing age. The main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) With the increase of the content of wood calcium, the liquid limit, plastic limit and optimal water content of the soil decreased, and the failure mode of the soil sample gradually transitioned to plastic failure. The compressive strength of the soil increases first and then decreases, and the compression coefficient decreases first and then increases. ( 2 ) With the extension of the curing age of the soil sample, the unconfined compressive strength of the modified soil also increases gradually, and the compression coefficient decreases continuously. ( 3 ) With the increase of the content of wood calcium, the cementing material on the surface of the soil sample particles gradually increases, the modified soil particles are inlaid and contacted, and the contact area gradually increases. At the same time, the cement encapsulates the particles to form large aggregates, and the soil structure is stable.

Keywords : dispersive soil ; calcium lignosulfonate ; physical and mechanical properties ; curing age ; plastic failure

作者简介 :魏衍杰  (1969—) ,  男 ,高级工程师 ,主要从事水利工程规划设计及建设管理。

通信作者 :魏平  (1987—) ,  男 ,高级工程师 ,主要从事水利工程规划设计工作。

收稿日期 :2023- 08-23