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半地下变电站建筑全生命周期碳排放与减碳策略研究 ∗
A Study on Lifecycle Carbon Emissions and Carbon Reduction Strategies of Semi-underground Substation Building

乔    军 1  , 郝翠彩2 , 刘 少亮2 ,  张    现3  , 张 玉龙2 , 邢凯杰1

( 1. 河北电力工程监理有限公司 ,河北 石家庄 050081 ;  2. 河北省建筑科学研究院有限公司 ,河北 石家庄 050227 ;

3. 国网河北省电力有限公司建设公司 ,河北 石家庄 050081)

摘   要: 半地下变电站是城市能源供应体系中的重要设施 。然而,半地下变电站在建设和运营过程中会产 生大量的碳排放,对环境造成负面影响。因此,本文对半地下变电站建筑全生命周期碳排放与减碳策略进行研究,结果表明该建筑单位面积碳排放量为 92. 835 kgCO2/( m2 ·a) , 其中,运行阶段碳排放量占 83. 90% 。通过减 碳策略,在建材生产和运输阶段减碳量分别为 18% ~ 34. 3%和32. 17% ~ 91. 14% 。在建造拆除阶段,通过拆除回 收钢材可以回收钢材碳排放量的 37. 85% ~ 68. 13% 。绿植可以产生 35. 295 tCO2/a 的碳汇量 。光伏每年可以减少 碳排放量为 87. 705 tCO2/a。本文研究成果为进一步降低半地下变电站建筑的碳排放提供理论基础。

关键词: 半地下变电站; 碳排放; 减碳策略; 钢结构; 混凝土结构

中图分类号: TU201. 5     

文献标志码: A      

文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 05-0094-07

DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.05.016

QIAO Jun1 , HAO Cuicai2 , LIU Shaoliang2 , ZHANG Xian1 , ZHANG Yulong2 , XING Kaijie3

( 1. Hebei Electric Power Engineering Supervision Co. ,Ltd. ,Shijiazhuang 050081 ,  China; 2. Institute of Intelligent

and Green Building , Hebei Academy of Building Research Co. ,Ltd. ,Shijiazhuang 050227 , China;

3. State Grid Hebei Electric Power Construction Company , Shijiazhuang 050081 , China)

Abstract: Semi-underground substation buildings are important facilities in urban energy supply systems. However, significant carbon emissions are generated during construction and operation, negatively impacting the environment. The lifecycle carbon emissions and carbon reduction strategies of semi-underground substation building is studied in this paper. The results show that the carbon emissions per unit area of the building is 92.835 kgCO2/(m2·a), of which the carbon emission in the operation phase accounts for 83.90% of the total. The reduction of carbon through the carbon reduction strategy is 18%-34.3% and 32.17%-91.14% in the production and transportation phases of building materials, respectively. During the construction and demolition phase, 37.85%-68.13% of the carbon emissions of steel can be recovered by dismantling and recycling steel. The greenery can generate a carbon sink of approximately 35.295 tCO2/a. Photovoltaics can reduce carbon emissions by approximately 87.705 tCO2/a. The findings of this paper provide a theoretical basis for further reducing carbon emissions from semi-underground substation buildings.

Keywords: semi-underground substation; carbon emissions; carbon reduction strategies; steel structure; concrete structure

∗基金项目: 河北电力工程监理有限公司科技项目资助  ( SGHEJL00LJJS2200014) , 河北省重点研发计(22374501 D) , 河北省建设科技研究项目-河北省建筑碳排放核算与核查方法研究  (2022-2089) 。

作者简介: 乔军  (1984—) , 男 ,硕士 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向: 变电站建筑关键技术研究。

通信作者: 郝翠彩  (1969—) , 女 ,本科 ,正高级工程师 ,研究方向: 低/零碳建筑关键技术研究。

收稿日期: 2023-06-20