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Preparation and Properties of Gypsum-based Thermal Insulation Mortar

王    庆 1   ,  刘    猛   ,  王文卓2  ,  汪昭鹏2  ,  刘    勇 1

( 1 .  武汉源锦建材科技有限公司 ,湖北 武汉 430080;   2. 武汉三源特种建材有限责任公司 ,湖北 武汉 430080)

摘   要 :试验研究了普通硅酸盐水泥、硫铝酸盐水泥、矿粉三种胶凝材料以及保温骨料玻化微珠和功能组分对石膏基保温砂浆性能的影响 。通过研究表明:掺入硫铝酸盐水泥可以显著提高石膏基保温砂浆的力学性能; 当玻化微珠与复合胶凝材料质量比为 5 :  10 、纤维素醚为 0. 2% 、引气剂为 0. 005%时,石膏基保温砂浆的导热系数为 0. 08 W/  ( m ·K) 、强度为 1 . 0 MPa 、体积密度为 370 kg/m3  , 同时砂浆的和易性 、可批刮性也满足施工要求。

        关键词 :脱硫石膏 ;保温砂浆 ;玻化微珠

        中图分类号 :TU55+ 1 . 34           

 文献标志码 :A            

 文章编号 :1005- 8249  (2023)  05- 0077- 05

 DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 05 . 013

WANG Qing1  ,   LIU Meng1  ,  WANG Wenzhuo2 ,  WANG Zhaopeng,  LIU Yong2

( 1 . Wuhan Ujoin Building Material Technology  Co. ,Ltd. ,Wuhan 430070 ,   China;

2. Wuhan Sanyuan Special Building Materials  Limited Company ,  Wuhan 430070 ,   China)

Abstract: The effects of ordinary Portland cement, sulfoaluminate cement, mineral powder, three kinds of cementitious materials, as well as thermal insulation aggregate vitrified microbeads and functional components on the performance of gypsum-based thermal insulation mortar were investigated experimentally. The research shows that adding sulfoaluminate cement can significantly improve the mechanical properties of gypsum-based thermal insulation mortar; when the mass ratio of vitrified microbeads to composite cementitious material is 5:10, cellulose ether is 0.2%, and air-entraining agent is at 0.005%, the thermal conductivity of the gypsum-based thermal insulation mortar is 0.08W/(m•K), the strength is 1.0 Mpa, and the bulk density is 370kg/m3. At the same time, the workability and batch scraping of the mortar also meet the construction requirements.

Keywords:desulfurized gypsum; insulation mortar; vitrified beads

作者简介 :王庆  ( 1985—) ,   女 ,本科 , 工程师 , 主要研究方向 :特种胶凝材料。

收稿日期 :2022- 09- 08