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开元寺—天王殿抗震设计分析 ∗
Analysis on Seismic Design of Kaiyuan Temple Tianwang Hall

何    叶 1  , 马江萍1 , 郗    茸 1 , 杨    锦 1 ,  张    奎2 , 周    禹2

( 1. 西安培华学院建筑与艺术设计学院 ,陕西 西安 710100; 2. 机械工业勘察设计研究院有限公司 ,陕西 西安 710043)

摘   要: 开元寺-天王殿是我国传统建筑中典型的单檐歇山唐式建筑 ,通过屋架体系设托梁-立柱的传统结构模型 1 与横向折梁受力的结构模型 2, 分析两个模型的周期比 、最大层间位移角、配筋值等指标 ,结果表明按照模型2来设计能满足现行规范要求,给今后类似设计提供了新的可能性; 考虑到屋面弦梁 、枋梁空间交错, 处于不同标高 ,使用 YJK 软件对结构进行了弹性时程分析与动力弹塑性时程分析,结果表明结构满足抗震设计  规范的要求,能够达到“ 三水准 ”抗震设防性能的能力,不需要采用地震力放大系数; 通过在动力弹塑性下的  损伤分析 ,提出结构易损伤的部位 。对天王殿结构在实际中存在的抗震不利部位,如场地抗震不利 、室内外大高差、屋面交错节点 、收分柱等,提出了有效的加强措施。

关键词: 传统建筑; 时程分析; 损伤分析; 节点构造措施

中图分类号: TU318      

文献标志码: A      

文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 05-0001-06

 DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.05.001

HE Ye1 , MA Jiangping1 , XI Rong1 , YANG Jin1 , ZHANG Kui2 , ZHOU Yu2

( 1. College of Architecture and Art Design , Xi ’an Peihua University , Xi ’an 710100 , China;

2. Jikan Research Institute of Engineering Investigations and Design Co. ,Ltd. ,Xi ’an 710043 ,  China)

Abstract: Tianwang Hall in Kaiyuan Temple is a typical one eaved building in traditional Chinese Architecture. By comparing the traditional structural model 1 of joist-column with the structural model 2 of transverse bending beams, analysis the period ratio, the maximum inter story displacement angle and the reinforcement value of the two models shows that the design according to the model 2 can meet the requirements of the current code, which provides a new possibility for similar design in the future; Considering that the roof beams are staggered in space and at different elevations, The elastic time history analysis and dynamic elastoplastic time history analysis of the structure are carried out by using the finite element software of YJK, the results show that the structure can meet the requirements of the seismic design code, and can achieve the "three levels" of seismic performance without the use of seismic force amplification factor; Based on the damage analysis under dynamic elastoplasticity, the vulnerable parts of the structure are proposed. The effective strengthening measures are put forward for the disadvantageous seismic parts of the Tianwang Hall structure, such as site seismic disadvantage, large height difference between indoor and outdoor, roof staggered node, scoring column.

Keywords: traditional architecture; time-history analysis; damage analysis; node construction measures

∗基金项目: 陕西省社会科学基金项目  (2020J018) 。

作者简介: 何叶  (1987—) , 女 ,硕士 ,高级工程师 ,主要从事土木工程方面的教学与研究工作。 

收稿日期: 2022-08-01