( 许昌市农村公路发展服务中心 ,河南 许昌 461000)
摘 要:针对现有损伤检测方法存在的检测精度低的问题,在充分考虑冻融循环作用的前提下,实现对路面粉煤灰混凝土损伤检测方法的优化设计。根据冻融循环原理,模拟粉煤灰掺量混凝土的损伤过程;在混凝土可能发生损伤的位置上,利用超声脉冲波测定混凝土的声学数据;从弹性模量、剪切模量和断裂能三个方面,计算混凝土的力学强度衰减损伤量,根据超声声学数据度量混凝土的表征结果损伤量;通过定位损伤故障位置,得出路面粉煤灰混凝土的损伤检测结果 。结果表明:损伤检测方法在力学损伤和表征结构损伤两个方面的检测误差均低于预设值,检测精度满足设计与应用要求。
关键词 :冻融循环 ;路面损伤 ;粉煤灰混凝土 ;损伤检测
中图分类号 :TU528
文献标志码 :A
文章编号 :1005- 8249 (2023) 04- 0074- 06
DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 04. 013
(Xuchang Rural Road Development Service Centre , Xuchang 461000 , China)
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of low detection accuracy of the existing damage detection methods, the optimization design of the damage detection method of fly ash concrete on pavement is realized on the premise of fully considering the freeze-thaw cycle. According to the principle of freeze-thaw cycle, the damage process of fly ash concrete is simulated. The acoustic data of concrete are measured by ultrasonic pulse wave at the position where concrete may be damaged. The mechanical strength attenuation damage of concrete is calculated from three aspects: elastic modulus, shear modulus and fracture energy, and the damage of concrete is measured according to ultrasonic acoustic data. By locating the damage fault position, the damage detection results of fly ash concrete on pavement are obtained. The results show that the detection errors of the damage detection method in both mechanical damage and structural damage are lower than the preset values, and the detection accuracy meets the design and application requirements.
Keywords: freeze thaw cycle; pavement damage; fly ash concrete; damage detection
作者简介 :袁茂林 (1972—) , 男 ,高级工程师 ,研究方向: 道路交通工程 ,公路试验检测等。
收稿日期 :2022- 02-23