
潘 杰
( 秦皇岛市测绘大队 ,河北 秦皇岛 066000)
摘 要 :针对地下水开采和地质结构变化等情况导致的地表塌陷问题,研究了一种综合时序 InSAR 和 GIS 技术的城市地表沉降分布式监测方法。基于传统的 InSAR 技术运用孔径雷达合成三维空间信息图像 ,通过差分处理图像干涉相位。利用GIS 技术与时序相结合,识别提取特征PS 点构建时序形变图像,分析解缠相位关系, 修正地形图像基线参数,精确计算地表沉降平均值和单位沉降量,实现对观测区进行具体的分布式监测分析。通过实验证明,研究的方法能够有效实现对复杂地形区域的地表沉降分布式监测,与实际监测误差不超过
0. 8% , 具有良好的应用效果和监测效率。
关键词 :地表沉降分布式监测 ;时序 InSAR 技术 ;GIS 技术 ;地表沉降速率
中图分类号 :TM267
文献标志码 :A
文章编号 :1005- 8249 (2023) 03- 0016- 06
DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 03 . 016
( Qinhuangdao Surveying and Mapping Trade Society , Qinhuangdao 066000 , China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem of surface subsidence caused by groundwater exploitation and geological structure changes, a distributed monitoring method for urban surface subsidence using temporal InSAR and GIS techniques was studied. Based on traditional InSAR technology, three-dimensional spatial information images are synthesized using aperture radar, and the image interference phase is processed by differential processing. Using GIS technology combined with time series, identify and extract feature PS points to construct a time series deformation image, analyze the unwrapped phase relationship, modify the baseline parameters of the terrain image, accurately calculate the average value of surface subsidence and unit subsidence, and achieve specific distributed monitoring and analysis of the observation area. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively achieve distributed monitoring of surface subsidence in complex terrain areas, with an error of no more than 0.8% compared to actual monitoring, and has good application effects and monitoring efficiency.
Keywords : distributed monitoring of surface subsidence ; time series InSAR technology; GIS technology; surface subsidence rate
作者简介 :潘杰 ( 1980—) , 男,本科, 高级工程师,秦皇岛市测绘大队,研究方向:工程测量。
收稿日期 :2023- 03-24