马 迪
( 陕西师范大学国有资产管理处 ,陕西 西安 710119)
摘 要 :本文介绍了两种计算堆载对邻近单桩影响的方法: 目前较常用的是将土和桩的响应分开求解的非耦合方法;另一种为使用显式耦合欧拉-拉格朗日( CEL)技术建立数值分析模型。计算并比较了耦合/非耦合方法所得的桩基响应,并分析其结果差异的原因。此外,应用CEL 耦合模型对堆载间距、强度、桩径进行参数敏感性分析得出: (1) 堆载距离单桩越近 ,0 ~ 5 m 深度内桩的水平位移越大 ,桩顶位置尤其突出。间距为1 . 0 B 时弯矩最大值相对于间距 0. 5 B 减小约 71%、间距为 1 . 5 B 时弯矩最大值相对于间距 B 减小约57. 3% ; (2) 堆 载强度增加,桩身水平位移增加。堆载下沉深度为 0.05 B 时桩基弯矩最大值与下沉 0. 1 B 基本一致,只是弯矩最大值点深度增加;堆载下沉深度为 0. 15 B 时桩基弯矩最大值相对于下沉 0. 1 B 增加约 88. 3% ; ( 3) 桩径由 0. 375 m增大到0. 75 m 可使桩顶位移减小 82%, 桩基相对弯矩 ( M/EI)最大值减小 73% 。
关键词 :堆载 ;耦合法 ;非耦合法 ;耦合欧拉-拉格朗日法 ;CEL; 数值分析 ;土体变形
中图分类号 :TU473 . 1
文献标志码 :A
文章编号 :1005- 8249 (2023) 03- 0007- 08
DOI : 10. 19860/j . cnki . issn1005- 8249. 2023 . 03 . 007
( State Owned Assets Management Department , Shaanxi Normal University , Xi ’an 710119 , China)
Abstract: This paper introduces two methods for calculating the effect of surcharge loading on adjacent monopile: the state-of-practice to this problem is an un-coupled approach by solving the soil and pile response separately; the other is an advanced 3D continuum finite element analysis methodology using Explicit Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian (CEL) technique. And calculates and compares the pile foundation responses obtained by coupled/un-coupled methods, and analyzes the reasons for the differences in their results. In addition, the CEL coupling model was applied to conduct parameter sensitivity analysis on the surcharge spacing, strength, and pile diameter. It was found that: (1) The closer the stacking distance is, the greater the horizontal displacement of the pile within a depth of 0-5m, and the more prominent the pile top position. When the spacing is 1.0B, the maximum bending moment decreases by about 71% relative to the spacing of 0.5B, and when the spacing is 1.5B, the maximum bending moment decreases by about 57.3% relative to the spacing of B. The surcharge strength increases, the horizontal displacement of the pile body increases. When the pile foundation sinking depth is 0.05B, the maximum bending moment of the pile foundation is basically the same as the sinking depth of 0.1B, but the depth of the maximum bending moment point increases. The maximum bending moment of the pile foundation increases by about 88.3% compared to the settlement of 0.1B when the depth of pile settlement is 0.15B.(3) Increasing the pile diameter from 0.375m to 0.75m can reduce the pile top displacement by 82% , and the maximum relative bending moment (M/EI) of the pile foundation reduce by 73%.
Keywords: surcharge loading; coupled method; uncoupled method; coupled eulerian-lagrangian method; CEL; numerical analysis; soil deformation
作者简介:马迪 (1993—), 男,硕士,主要从事岩土工程研究等工作。
收稿日期:2023- 03- 13