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Study on the Effect of Stone Powder on Rheological Properties of Cement Paste

杨奕菲 ,刘嘉良 ,巩    璇 ,周理安 ,李    飞

(北京建筑大学 北京节能减排与城乡可持续发展省部共建协同创新中心 ,北京 100044)

摘   要: 为探究石粉对水泥基材料工作性能和凝结硬化的影响,开展了不同岩性石粉对水泥净浆流动度和 凝结时间影响的试验研究 ,分析了掺石粉水泥净浆的流变性能及触变性经时变化特性,分析了石粉亚甲蓝值 ( MB 值)对水泥净浆工作性能的影响规律 。研究表明: 水泥净浆流动度随着石粉 MB 值的增大而减小,水泥净 浆的塑性粘度和屈服应力与石粉MB 值存在较好的线性相关性; 石灰石等碳酸盐类石粉的加入可缩短水泥净浆 的凝结时间,花岗岩等硅酸盐类石粉的加入会延长水泥净浆的凝结时间。

关键词: 石粉; 工作性能; 流变特性; 凝结时间

中图分类号: TU525      

文献标志码: A      

文章编号: 1005-8249 (2023) 06-0105-05

DOI : 10. 19860/j.cnki.issn1005-8249.2023.06.017

YANG Yifei , LIU Jialiang , GONG Xuan , ZHOU Lian , LI Fei

( Beijing Energy Conservation & Sustainable Urban and Rural Development Provincial and

Ministry Co-construction Collaboration Innovation Center, Beijing 100044 ,  China)

Abstract:Experimental studies were carried out on the influence of workability and setting time with the use of different lithology stone powder in cement-based materials. The time-dependent rheological properties and thixotropy of cement paste with stone powder were analyzed. The influence of methylene blue value (MB value) of stone powder on the workability of cement paste was also studied. The results show that the fluidity of cement paste decreases with the increase of the MB value of stone powder, and the plastic viscosity and yield stress of cement paste have a good linear correlation with the MB value of stone powder. The use of carbonate stone powders such as limestone can shorten the setting time of cement paste, while the silicate stone powders such as granite can prolong the setting time of cement paste.

Keywords: stone powder; workability; rheological properties; setting time;

∗基金项目: 北京节能减排与城乡可持续发展省部共建协同 创新中心资助项目  ( Supported by ECERC) 。

作者简介: 杨奕菲  ( 1997—) , 男,硕士研究生,主要从事水泥基材料研究。

通信作者: 李飞  ( 1981 —) , 博士 ,教授,研究方向: 建筑 垃圾资源化。

收稿日期: 2023-09-19